Here's a little heads-up of what's on the horizon over the next few months.
- I'm taking three classes: Jane Austen Today, Modern Critical Theories, and Theory of the Novel. I finally get to beef up on a little theory (or a lot). It's definitely something I feel less knowledgable about, so I'm excited to learn. I also get to nurture my fascination for 19th C British Fiction -- my other love besides Shakespeare.
- I'll be working in the Writing Center for about 15 hours a week and blogging for the English Department about 3 hours a week. (Hopefully this will help me keep up with some blogging here too!)
- In October, I get to present at THIS -- the Blackfriars Conference at American Shakespeare Center. I love love love this place. Hands down, some of the best Shakespeare I have seen (Othello, Tempest, Love's Labour's back in maybe 07 or 08 ... whew!). So I am humbled and thrilled and nervous about having the opportunity to present a paper here. Also my friend Danielle's paper was accepted so we get the added bonus of some great girl time!
- November brings in Season Auditions for ADK Shakes's 2012 Season. (Follow the link for info.)
- And the end of the semester means I'll have to start work on submitting my Master's Portfolio.
So I guess this is the deep breath before the plunge! First class tomorrow and away we go.